November 22, 2007

All is not well in the United Soviet Socialist Health System

While the current government IT continues to hold the front pages Mr Salmon of the Rant Foundation shows us the continuing reverberations of one of the previous ones. The entire medical training system has been utterly destroyed by Labour's imposition of a single, giant, all controlling system from on high. This has left massive problems with getting the right number of staff to fill positions because messy things like the real world do not actually fit with The Plan. That is not to say that Labour are not going to claim that The Plan is not going perfectly, they are probably going to say that this year is an even better year than the Best Year Ever the the tractor production figures are so good. Shame about the patients, but then the Commissar has a Plan for that as well. Don't let patients into hospital! Surely a Plan worthy of an Order of Stalin for its perverse brilliance, by cutting the budget so much that they cannot afford to let patients into hospital they get to save even more on not having to treat them when they end up dead.

Luckily our nobel Commissars have pinpointed the source of the problems. It is those eeeevil Kulaks, the Doctors after having a new contract that they did not want forced on them Labour is now blaming them for the way that it means that they are getting paid more though it. Just like happened with the imposition of the new GP's contract. Or like how the imposition of the new Dentists contract pushed even more of them out of the NHS. Labour thought that by forcing a new contract it would give them more control, and Labour loves anything that they think will give them more control, however they ended up having to pay for the work that the medical staff where previously doing for nothing. The Doctors are being used as a scape goat but what this really shows is how the NHS relies on the exploitation of those with a vocation for medicine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't see what George Bush has done wrong, he's destroying a bunch of people who shouldn't be in the 1st place. I say the Iraqis are just here to take up space on this planet. They're not doing anything to benifit us. George Bush is doing a great job where he is. I hope he sends a nuke to Iraq and just wipe that country out of the map. The only thing the Iraqis know how to do is terrorize countries, they're all terrorists.Ok, I'm going to say it, I think George Bush is good. He's one of the greatest president ever.. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! he attack Iraq and many Iraqis died.. so what? I hope he bombs Iraq again, I seriously don't give a crap if the Iraqis die, I hope bush kills them all, bomb the hell out of Iraq. serioulsy I think the Iraqis are nothing but terrorist and George Bush is doing the world a favour by bombing them and killing them. they just like to bomb the hell out of each other, so the Americans attacking Iraq doesn't really make that much of a difference, they're just speeding up the process. So I solute George Bush

7:41 am  
Blogger chris said...

well I'm glad that you got that off your chest. Not that it had any relevance at all to my post but there you go.

1:37 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

I take it you don't like me? .Do you think I care? You are clearly disturbed..I think most likely your world is small and you are frustrated. I don't tolerate abuse of any kind and your message is abusive.So welcome to my world ,and may I show you the door? When I get done here I am going to block you,and then you will be forgotten by me since you do not deserve my attention.If you don't like someone's views try doing something more impressive then sending them hate mail. its a low IQ kind of thing to do..its as easy to do and thinking clearly, which may be hard for you , but try it sometime.JFCWQR

12:19 am  

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